Friday, February 15, 2008

Ed Pierce - Captivated by Light

What'd you do for Valentine's Day?? Well, Matt and I went to Phoenix for the evening to attend a photography seminar by Ed Pierce, featuring some of the nation's top photographers. I know, doesn't sound very romantic, huh? But we truly love our work and we especially enjoy getting away from the daily grind (and kids) to relax and watch some of the greatest at work. We had a wonderful time and enjoyed seeing some of our vendors in person at a mini tradeshow. We didn't arrive home until about 2:00am, but it was worth it. Our proofing site, Collages was there as well as representatives from Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, an organization with whom we are honored to be members of. If you are not familiar with them, check it out! It's a wonderful opportunity for us to give priceless memories to families who lose an infant or child. The families receive a portrait session and all their images completely free of charge. NILMDTS's presentation last night brought tears to our eyes.
I wish we could show you some pics, but we didn't bother to bring our cameras with us this time. Hope everyone else had a beautiful Valentine's Day!