Saturday, February 24, 2007

Old House, Young Love

Everyday, things are changing here in our little town. Cheyenne and I drive by this old shed with a big tree and swing and we always mention to each other that we need to get a picture of it. There used to be a house there, but it's been leveled, leaving these remains. The other day I was driving home from a photo shoot and decided to take some pictures before it's gone as well. When I pulled in to take some photos, there were two young people there taking pictures and having a great time. They were running and playing and it inspired me because for a moment they made life seem so simple and carefree. It was almost surreal and felt like a little bit of heaven on earth. It reminded me of when Jesus said in John 13, "Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
I started taking some pictures and then decided to go meet this young couple. They were very friendly and enthusiastically posed for me. I had this picture in my head of the two of them with the swing in the rustic setting. As I was shooting I was thinking of that Dave Matthews song, "The Dreaming Tree" and how perfectly it fit this moment.
Here's a couple of photos of Emi and Shadoe. Thank-you Emi and Shadoe for allowing me to capture these images.

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